created by Bright Lines Graphic Design Studio

A blog to support and empower you in your design projects!

Posted On 21/08/2022

Welcome to the Bright Lines blog, designed to help everyone work on design projects and printed products, just like a pro.

Hi, I am Francesca Poggi, graphic designer passionate about design and the world of printed products.

Over the past years, as I had the chance to work with talented entrepreneurs, small business owners and self-publishing writers, I noticed that the same questions and topics kept coming back in my discussions with my clients. So quite naturally, I thought it would be useful to compile my knowledge and these themes in a blog that will help work on your big and small projects – a book, a business, a brand, or else – with the help and guidance of a design professional.

So welcome to the Bright Lines Design blog! In this article, I will present myself and the aim of my blog a little further so that you know what to expect.

Is this blog for you?

If you are:

a writer publishing or self-publishing a book

a coach who needs support in creating a workbook or any other coaching materials

a solopreneur, startup or small business owner, who needs to create a brand, presentations, or any kind of digital layouts and printed products

then yes, the content shared in this blog will be relevant and useful for you. Simply because the success of your brand, communication and products depend on the quality and clarity of your message and visual identity. Besides, I have been evolving alongside professionals like you and I can attest that although the assistance of a designer is often acknowledged, very often, you may lack the experience to work effectively with designers and creatives, as well as the resources or the budget to carry the graphic part of your projects successfully. This can result in struggles, delays and indirect costs which could have easily been avoided if you were better prepared.

How can a blog about design help you?

There are plenty perks to reading this blog indeed, and what’s more, it is written especially for you, in a way that is understandable, practical and inspiring, of course 😉

So, here is how you’ll benefit from staying with us and reading our next articles on the Bright Lines Design blog:

get the basic knowledge and best practices in design from colours to fonts, typefaces, alignments, formats, paper and print techniques;

learn simple DIY design modalities in case you don’t have the budget to hire a designer or when it simply doesn’t make sense to delegate graphic to-dos which you could do yourself with a little guidance. This includes choosing and pairing colours, choosing fonts and typefaces for your brand;

discover exciting design resources, templates and mockups used by real design freaks and get my advice on choosing and using the right resources and softwares thanks to my product reviews;

develop your creative project management skills and learn how to work successfully with designers, illustrators and printers.

Ready to read about design?

Before we go and tackle the first design subjects, I wanted to confess that creative people are not always as we may picture them – dramatic, unorganised, chaotic – and that reading a blog about design can really bring you further than you imagine! After all, besides being a creative mind, I am actually very structured and rational! Yes, it is possible! So like most of you, I care about productivity tips and best practices, I derive great satisfaction from managing projects successfully, I like to stay on budget, and I love above all to work with like-minded professionals as well as learning from my clients, my network and business partners.

    So, I hope this blog will be a great source of inspiration and the start of a helpful community as we design our projects, joy and successes together!

    If you want to get involved, I am happy to receive your comments and feedbacks anytime. You may share your thoughts and questions in the comments section or write me directly to [email protected] with your inputs (even disagreements are welcome). Please don’t be shy, it’s very important for me to know how I can best help and where I can improve! Thank you!


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